Texas Marriage Index

Chances of finding your soulmate in China? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aqu5HHyM043DDI4EVSH5aNrty6IX?qid=20070826103714AAULz8p As you can see I will be going to China in a year or two. Now going to there to find a woman is NOT my main reason to go, as I could just as easily find one down here in Texas.(There are many asian women around… Continue reading Texas Marriage Index

Texas Find Marriage Record

if you ever came upon these things, what would be the thing to do with them? I have found the following items and more. i need ideas of what to maybe do with them. anyone have any ideas? they are as follows: a 1885 family bible with the familys marriage records for quite a few… Continue reading Texas Find Marriage Record