Victoria Courthouse

Courthouse wedding Victoria Australia?

Im planning to get married at the courthouse and would just like to hear from anyone who has done this. What happens, what is the ceremony like, does it still feel special or is it rushed and to straight to the point. We dont want a big, fussy wedding and are happy to do this id just like to know of anyone else’s experience. Thanks.

I got married at the court house because my husband wanted to do it that way. He did not want a big fussy wedding. It was a second marriage for both of us. It was nice. They have private rooms ,you can make it as nice as you want. It can be special for you when you invite the people you want to share it with. It is short and sweet and to the point. You can still wear a wedding dress or a nice dress. I saw a wedding dress that day on someone else. I did not wear one. I know lots of people that have use the court house to save money. Just have a reception if you want to celebrate with your family and friends after the ceremony . Good luck