Hamilton County Sheriff Sales

How smart is it to sell a used car to an illegal who you have to provide a fake name address etc to?

A nearly year-long investigation has snared nine people on charges that they provided fake IDs or other documents to illegal immigrants to help them buy used cars.

The busts happened today as part of three raids of used car lots in the Hamilton area. More dealerships remain under investigation, according to Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones.

The illegal activities allegedly included providing fake IDs, processing those fake IDs to facilitate auto sales, and impersonating a police officer in debt collection situations. Read moreā€¦.http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/AB/20080313/NEWS01/303130033/
Illegal immigration undermines the respect for the rule of law.

Prime example of the “Ferengi” like culture supporting ILLEGALS