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I am looking for a book on advice on DIY?

This book is great and I find nothing. I had a friend over my house and she had this brochure brochure for buying this book. The title was something about "Ways to Save $ 1,001 per year I forgot the rest, it was something. The pamphlet provides examples of book pages. There were ways to reuse the set of lint dryer in a bag for Orange birds can nest. Another showed how to grow tomatoes without good earth upside down in a bucket of 5 gallons. There was a couple more, but he forgot that it was a couple of years, but I really want to find this book, which had advice on innovative recycling roughly drawn for other things. We also had to stuff yourself gardening and other home projects. That's the best I can describe it so I hope someone can help me. I have been searching and searching, looking for other means to return to the floor and hope to find something

Years ago, Rodale books (I think) published a magazine called Mother Earth News. What you describe is like one of their products. Google News Mother Earth and the Rodale books – There is also a forum called or so – as more of the same. good luck