El Centro Jail

Does anyone care that six CA cities have declaired themselves “illegal immigrant scanturies”?

One of the cities, Maywood, had one councilman hurl death threats at the fellow councilman that pushed the measure through in his city. That man spent 8 mo. in jail and got 2 yrs probation for soliciting murder. Other cities are El Centro, Bell Gardens, Huntington Park, San Fransisco and Coachella. Since the hated immigration bill was defeated, all manner of new tricks are being pulled out of the hat. Fortunately, there have been 21,000 arrests this so far this year (about 3 days’ worth of illegal crossers) and the good people at ICE tell us to expect many more. They are being pressed more and more into doing their jobs to the fullest extent of the law but the numbers are against them. We need that wall NOW, people! Civil War, anyone? No? Then let’s start laying bricks and jailing employers!

I am an old lady and I’m not in the best of health. I’m doing some work on my car. Just tell me where and when and after my car is good to go, I will volunteer my time to help build that wall. I will even take a shift on border patrol..Our people had better take some drastic action before it is to late.