Scott County Government

Why doesn’t ANY politician CUT WASTEFUL spending?

I would vote for ANY candidate that would PROMISE and FULFIL that promise to CUT Government waste.

Scott Walker the current Milwaukee Country Supervisor is the ONLY politician who ran on CUTTING waste around here and actually DID it. He is coming under fire now from those who DO NOT PAY TAXES for cutting some wasteful entitlement programs. He’s my hero and I can’t vote for him because I do not live in Milw. County.

Do you realize the BILLIONS this country would save simply by cutting programs that overlap each other? I couldn’t agree more. I’ve asked questions like this many times and there isn’t a person who doesn’t agree…. Yet we sit back and watch the world go ’round… doing nothing.

Remember, Congress has the power and this is something to take into deep consideration when voting on the Congressional level as well.