Prison Inmate In Florida

Universities and organizations that pay former inmates to provide classes/ speeches on prison life and ethics?

I am R25288, and my website is My email address is Click on my R25288 page at the above website for my national biography.

I helped win a U.S. Supreme Court case for Student Rights in Tinker v Des Moines, 393 US 503 (1969). The book at www.r25288, with chapter 1-11 currently posted are best read in order, although posted in reverse.

I spent from 2001 to 2006 in Florida prisons for never having criminal intent, on a charge that did not involve drugs, sex, violence, nor did I profit a dime. I was a former Vietnam War protester, Conscientious Objector, and current gay Democrat. I was sentenced by a Republican, Vietnam Veteran, family man aware of my past and values.

I was sentenced shortly after 9/11/01 on my first lifetime felony charge, at age 51, with a college degree, because I believe I represented the closest thing to a terrorist that he knew of.

I received the same award as Rosa Parks, Joan Baez, & Justice Thurgood Marshall.

So the queastion is who will hire you to speak at their institution?

You need an agent my friend.

Read the website of a few colleges near you to see which have been visited by Americans like yourself then Google them to find out who represents them.

With your story an agent would be a fool not to take you on as a client.

Good Luck.