Pottawatomie County Court

what is the importance of the u.s. Supreme Court’s holding in the Board ofEducation of Independent School Dist?

what is the importance of the u.s. Supreme Court’s holding in the Board of Education of Independent School District No 92 of Pottawatomie County, et al v. Earls et al., the U.S.?

The Supreme Court’s decision which came only two years after the establishment of USADA ( United States Anti-Doping Agency) and what became known as the “Balco Scandal” (see the link below) came on the heels of a growing awareness that doping by athletes, both professional and non-professional was more serious than anyone had previously thought. The idea that this was something that only communist Eastern European countries did was still ingrained in the minds of most people.

The Supreme Court in Board of Education v. Earls simply reflected the worries and concerns of most stake-holders that the problem had to be nipped in the bud, and so the Court decided that Coercive drug testing imposed by school district upon students who participate in extracurricular activities does not violate the Fourth Amendment.