Cuyahoga County Government

Why can’t liberal politicans keep their fingers out of the till?

It is a shocking and emblematic photograph that could be of New York City’s Boss Tweed, 140 years later: Jimmy Dimora, the most powerful man in Cuyahoga County politics, led away in manacles to FBI headquarters, to federal court, and into infamy.

But the picture painted by the 177 pages in indictments made public Wednesday against eight suspects — including Cuyahoga County commissioner Dimora and two county judges — is even more shocking, alleging what could be one of the biggest local political-machine corruption cases in recent U.S. history.

It also, for the first time, implicates a second commissioner, Peter Lawson Jones, in the broad pay-for-play scandal that has infected local government and garnered almost three dozen guilty pleas.

same reason any politician (liberal or not), it’s available and they think they are smarter than the system.