Fresno County Jail Information

NEED HELP Legall for false arrest?

12/02/07 I was arrested falsely Fresno, California. Department of probation. not to present a monthly report, without probation service every month, I had a date stamped copy of my story. I stopped my lawyer was a false witness all actions, not out of prison and deprivation of heart medications necessary to point having a heart attack in prison and taken to a local hospital spent 5 days in intensive care because of their actions. I need help and have legal not been able to get a lawyer …. legal necessity and pay HELP!, I filed the complaint against the County of Fresno and the presentation of following the law by Pro Can someone help me with the information they are willing to consider this case, my former attorney is now my main witness, and if all documentation is in order … Please advise.

they do not need reasons for revoking parole. There is no need to focus on the reasons for probation