Fulton County Zip Code

For the woman's death from an unequivocal answer 911, do you think the operator should have been fired?

I think not, the procedures must be improved! It's someone else immediately after the call? If the operator should ask the caller to spell the name of the street? Why Why was not the name of the street crosses the city, as clearly the two streets in different cities and zip codes? It is also the street number available Street given? There is definitely a checklist! Does the operator stay on the phone until the ambulance arrives? 911 operators are not paid very well already, and dismiss? And you, chief? (Fulton County, Atlanta, Ga)

No, there is no such thing as a "checklist". You put it in the system CAD and may or may not validate that a valid address. Even with an article to refer too, would have only "facts" that the journalist was able to muster. So we'll never have all the information. From my understanding, was an employee of problems with a long history of warnings and gets into trouble, this was only the straw that broke the glass. And the director of the center of the 911 was reassigned to another department. Whether or not he deserved to be fired is by speculation and Monday morning quarterback.