Bay County Government

Why is the American Nazi Party Allowed to function in the USA.?

We went to war with the nazi’s. shouldnt neo-nazis, the aryan brotherhood, and the american nazi party be sentenced for terrorism just like al queda. i know if people started an american alqueda party our government will flip. how come all these nazis arent in guantanamo bay with other terrorists? How come these people are allowed to leave county jails. Anyone affiliated with the nazi party should be charged with treason and be made an enermy of the united states.
Yes I am aware of our 1st amendment rights, But their intention is to hurt Minorities, Just Like the KKK. Wouldnt that be a “Conspiracy to Commit…” Charge? In our Nations Jail system they incite race wars within our prisons. And I accept they have 1st ammendment rights, but they were former enemies of the USA? Shouldnt Bush’s little Military Commissions act allow our government to arrest them?

One term you may want to look up is “MaCarthyism”. Our government tried a lot of that stuff back in the 1950’s. People were harrassed, locked up, etc, because they might belong to the “wrong” group, in that case, athiests and communists!

As long as a member of any organization, be it political, religious, or ideological in nature, behaves themselves in a reasonable fashion, they continue to enjoy the protections of the First Amendment. It is a crime to blow things up and kill people, and should remain one! It is not a crime to be an idiot, or a racist, or an @**hole. We hope such people will see the light someday.