National Public Records Search

Do you support Bush and his absolute power?

Since Bush took office after a fraudulent election that he won has waged a war under false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction, he declared war on the middle class and the poor, the oil companies allowed to increase prices while making record profits were authorized, approved a provision allowing the use of wiretaps without a warrant, telephone records, e-mail, Internet search records, and now a month ago approved legislation that allows law the possibility the opening of mail without a warrant. It was unknown to the public and that's it for reasons of national security, "he said. If a president has need for impeachment is Bush! Wake Up America !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are 100% correct, but it will be difficult to obtain certain people to believe. I think I've seen many documentaries that make it obvious. I'll continue to watch as much as I can because I'm Learn more. These are things a lot of fear and the only defense is to open our minds, and research.