Medina Property

Why do most Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad was a bad person who did not show tolerance and killed without mercy

I speaks a historical perspective secular rather than religious. He and his first followers were verbally abused and ill-treatment toutured phisicaly were hungry and prophet beaten.The bleaded because the rocks were thrown down with him and had to Mecca and Medina leavr let people be respected and Christian nicer.He Jews.He gave women more rights in relation to Arabic Burl Pagonis Dauth use by their children in sand.He also gave women the right to appeal and Worl property.He the end of Mecca and curb statues Pagonis whitch thought he was there then come say Gods.Hwe vanished.If bell true and false death without merchandising like most people say why do not you kill everyone in Pagonis oncrand to why Jews and Christians? Why was phiscally beaten and not fight? This time, I need more answers because the last time I asked what I only two answers.

political climate I fear.