Anne Arundel County Taxes

Is this a great county or what?

Has been reported in the local County Gazette who wants to give the sister of our County Executive not $ 1,100,000 for the sale of his land, is one of the 100 acres of farmland, I hope this strike and send everyone to jail, taxes and housing in this county send the long-term residents to other states, we can not keep teachers, police and fire departments, because high prices relative to wages. Anne Arundel Maryland.

Citizens of all counties have the right and obligation to speak when the load exceeded limitations. Get petitions, meetings of public demand, the local newspaper publishes data on what happens and what you can do to make people recognize and challenge these unjust and unpopular decisions. Our county commissioners tried to implement a wage policy that all ex-Insurance Commissioner until they reach the age of 65. Our citizens demanded a public forum and stopped in their tracks. One teacher said she had taught in the county over 30 years and had to pay for your insurance for she felt the commissioners had to do the same. Then we need to verify the Congress because they earn money, and did not charge the expense accounts of bribes and lobbyists. What is it? We question our state representatives and senators to see if we can achieve change. Maybe a long time, but do nothing.