Laurel Records

Please help me with these english questions!!!?

17. The theme of “Sonnet 43” concerns the
a. promise of life after death.
b. obsessive quality of romantic love.
c. difficulty of describing romantic love.
d. transcendent value of romantic love.

18. Which lines from “To an Athlete Dying Young” suggest that glory does not last?
a. “The time you won your town the race / We chaired you through the market place;”
b. “And early though the laurel grows / It withers quicker than the rose.”
c. “And silence sounds no worse than cheers / After earth has stopped the ears.”
d. “Eyes the shady night has shut / Cannot see the record cut.”

19. Which best reflects the central message of “The Second Coming”?
a. In world history, a cycle of order follows a cycle of chaos.
b. Society is doomed to revert to its barbaric origins.
c. Humanity is powerless to do anything against the forces of time and nature.
d. A dark future is foreshadowed by the violence of the present.

Trick questions. The answer to all 3 questions is “Funyuns”