Cook County Death Record

Trying to find family history?

I am looking for info. on William Dunstan born in Scotland
1839. Came to Canada before 1858. Settled in Ontario.
Married Margaret Nicol 1858 in Toronto. Lived in Barrie area in Ontario. Cannot find death notices or burial places. Checked, Wayne Cook, Ontario census. Immigration records. all cemetery records on-line. Simcoe county lists. Any other suggestions.

Where did his kids live at the time of his death? Often, the parents would live with the oldest child as they aged and sometimes were buried in the same area. If the kids didn’t live in the same area, you might look with them.

Sometimes people in that era were still buried in small family plots, so there may not be an actual burial in a cemetery. And in small towns or communities, death notices may not have been needed if everyone ‘just knew’ when someone died… and some old newspapers haven’t survived to be transcribed today.

Have you checked with the county office to see if there was a will or probate? That’s often a good indicator of when someone died.

Hope this helps… good luck!