Oklahoma Department Of Court Records

There's something in my file DMV is wrong and should not be there, help!?

Ok, so apparently according to the California Department DMV I was convicted of driving in the state of Oklahoma Wreckless …………………. when I was 15! I do not even know how drive or never approached a car at this age. So how do I fix this? I went to the DMV today and all what I said is that completing this form I received and send it in. But this way you say to get a court document that was convicted and sent to a copy of them in Sacromento. My question is, since they have never taken my identity and used in the state of Okalahoma, I need to get from there? Or just my local court closest to? Did you also know a number for me to talk to someone to correct this situation and increase the speed?

First, at the age of 15 years if you never knew how to drive, you can file proof of residence from the time he was 15 years, according to school records, if any, go to their home court asked to remove this file with your name on it and ask us to give back, the cause could be any s'times out there has the same name you made, but what really needs to check if the date of birth, and to compare the report if it does not match and then back to DMV and show them that a friend of mine went through the same document and s'times the court will give you the will of the license number and the DMV can watch it for you, hope this helps