Camden County Superior Court

The question is what is the intent of N.J.A.C. ยง 10A:31-8.5 (b)(2)?

I have inquiry which has puzzled me which I request the issue to be address.
There is a tunnel which connects the Camden County Correctional facility with the Hall of justice, where particular inmates go threw three (3) doors to reach the Hall of Justice under continuance of surveillance for purposes of Bail hearings or CJP. Prior to entrance in the first door Camden County Correctional facility correctional officers three in number strip search three of the particular inmates. Then the particular inmates are handcuffed and shackled by officers from the Sherriff department and escorted on foot to the second and third doors. Once the particular inmates go in and come out the elevator they enter a holding cell until presented to CJP or Superior Court Judge. Once they have ended there presentment they are taking back to holding cell then escorted back down the elevator going threw a first, second and third door in reverse order.

You explained the procedure, but not what you are questioning about it.