Texas Criminal History Records Check

Texas criminal history records check
Help needed as soon as the Texas law enforcment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

A friend of mine asked this and really do not know what to say. It is looking for an agency did not go to the police academy (community college). He was asking questions without standing on it. The question you asked me five years ago was aound misdeameanor was a class B (the theft of a check) and all the court ordered him to do. He is responsible for security Certifed in the state of Texas. He said he had a DPS criminal historical research itself and no punches in its history. According to TCLEOSE its tenth anniversary. We must move forward an application to the academy and sent to TCIC / NCIC (a form sent before going to the academy)? or simply give up his dream. He also wants to know how to be a K-9 Unit

Well, it might as well try! What you have to lose by applying? If rejected, is very bad, but if you put in then it will do what you want.