Texas Free Arrest Records

Texas free arrest records
Theft record-is there any ways to have no theft record?

i just did a most stupid thing ever i don’t know what i had been thinking. i stole the jewelry cost $315.00. i been caught and be arrested one night at the keller police office . MOm and dad bailed me out. i am so worry . i never be such a bad person, never been arrested or involved in any crime. i am wondering if my crime at this time will be in my theft record ?. i am 20. i am going to school right now, it’s engineering major. I’ve just received the letter from the court telling me to go to the court.Now i don’t have any lawyer.i did tell the police i need a free lawyer , but untill now i didn’t hear anything from them. Next thursday will be my court day, so I will go there by myself without a lawyer or i need to have one? i am wondering if hiring a lawyer will be better than free lawyer and no lawyer. i dont want to waste money to hire a lawyer if i still have the theft record.any idea where i can hire good lawyer? please help.im in Fort worth , Texas.

The police will not give you a lawyer for court. They will provide one for questioning, but not for court. If you want a lawyer, you will need to hire one yourself, or request a public defender when you appear.

As far as your record, it is too late for that. If you are convicted, the record will be permanent. You could apply for an expungment, but you can not do that right away. You need to prove yourself first.